Ubisoft Toronto was a leading studio on Watch Dogs Legion. Some of my responsibilities were to create and develop the look for key locations in London as well as to work with developers on new technology’s that would automatically populate the lighting throughout the game.  

Watch Dogs Legion. Film and Games

Art involvement

Some of the key locations were Buckingham palace, Piccadilly Circus, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben. I worked closely with my art direct and level design to create day, sunset and night look of those areas. The biggest difference in lighting was day time VS night time. Using the “socket” lighting we were able to light many of the areas with great efficiency.

Technical involvement

Such as (creating specific street lighting for different districts), the steps were to make custom lighting prefabs/proxies that would be used on the street network spline to populate the street lights throughout the game. I worked on supporting and setting up custom tool called “socket system” where I would setup custom light fixtures for different types of facades and add “sockets” in the areas where art director would want to see the light and to have those lights dynamically attach to the building so if the building moves, changes rotation or changes from modern vs contemporary for artistic purposes the lights would follow and change depending on it. Majority of street and façade lighting was created by those two tools which were later used by other lighters on the team. I helped to setup cinematic pipeline “play as anyone” and give training to new lighters which joint the team at the later date.   

More about it

A few more things were do to locations like that. In this specific example i also added a bounce only light to increase amount of GI contribution to the area from the big screen. Throughout the production this particular area was worked on by one other lighter because of the complexity and the lengthy process.

Something different

Some of the other key location were the pubs. Lighting setup was different. We added the lights to prefabs which contained all the asset geometry as well as any particle emitters. 

Interior prefabs 

Similar setup but for interiors. 

Final look

In total we had 8-9 different pubs in the game which were setup in such a way. They all had prob regions setup as well cube maps for all of the interior  

Westminster Abbey    

Blume Tower Exterior

Blume Tower Interior   

Camden Market    

This location was lit by hand. Each neon sign had lights placed and optimized.


Same location.

Extra Fog

Interior Lighting

Each light was placed, colored, and adjusted by hand. Full reflection and interior GI pass done after which optimization passes were done to get everything into lighting budget. 

Same notes apply to every image.

Key locations: House of commons, Assassin’s cave, Stockwell Bunker, Scotland Yard, Into the void — Blume tower